Mini Jam 103: Darkness submission!


If you're seeing a black screen or gray fuzz, try Firefox or downloading the game. Safari is known to have problems as well as some versions of Chrome. Thanks for your patience!  

[I've been informed (3 days too late) that I chose a Unity version with lots of web build bugs. Whoops!]

How To Play: WASD/ArrowKeys and Space

Another sweet friend from years n years past found together in homestead, sharing such vast Though now she is far, escaping our fate Soon you will see her, if you are fair to wait


Gray Decay is a puzzle platformer about the pursuit of numbness; the trade-off we so often make between feeling bad and feeling nothing.

Our hero tries again and again to erode the painful details of his life to gray, blinding himself, hurting himself, and making his life harder in the process. 

Can he stumble through his fading senses to find the ultimate gray, or will the sharpness of reality catch up with him? 


PixelPax (Gabriel Kind)  - Concept, Code, Character Design and Animation, Level Design and Art

frodoTimBaku - Concept, Environment Art, Enemy Design and Animation, Title Screen Art

Fidel Delgado - Music Composer, SFX, Playtester

Lssndra - Playtester, Concept, Writing, Lettering

Yammmmmy - Playtester, Bug Finder

Made with Unity and Corgi Engine

Special thanks to @reuno from MoreMountains for giving me some tips when I got stuck!


Download 62 MB


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I like how he gradually stretches as he falls.